jeudi 25 février 2010

What is it all about ?

"Sounds great!" could be a nice reaction from you reading this blog,

"But what do you mean by Quiz (also written Quizz with double "z") ?"

Let's try to make as simple as possible :

As put by my best friend Wikipedia "A quiz is a form of game or mind sport in which the players (as individuals or in teams) attempt to answer questions correctly." It as been popularised by the world famous table-game named "Trivial-Pursuit".

But here we will deal with another version of the quiz, which is very popular in UK : the Pub Quiz. My best friend would say : "A pub quiz is a quiz held in a public house" : as simple as it is !

"OK!" you will tell me, "but what the hell is an intercultural quiz?"

The intercultural part means that you will have questions of all different kinds about culture, but obviously also about other cultures than yours. The aim is to develop an international culture and to give you something new to share with your family/friends/neighbours/pets and others people on this planet you may know... or not.

If you still have some doubts about what is it, please contact me !

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